
Share Certificates

Save Money and Earn Great Dividends

Reach your savings goals with TIFCU Share Certificate. How does a TIFCU Share Certificate work? It’s easy. You decide how much to invest and over what term – because the longer you leave the certificate at the Credit Union, the more interest you’ll earn. You can open a Share Certificate with a minimum deposit of $500.

Once the Share Certificate is set up, there’s nothing more to do except watch your money grow! Renewing is a breeze! Your Share Certificate will automatically roll over when it reaches maturity, with a 10-day grace period. During those 10 days, you can transfer the money to another Share Certificate or withdraw your money without penalty.

Let your money work harder for you and take advantage of the best rates around! See the Rate Sheet for specific terms and rates.

Dividends are paid and compounded quarterly. TIFCU may impose a penalty if you withdraw funds from your account before the maturity date. Maintenance or activity fees could reduce the earnings on the account. Rates are subject to change without notice.